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I\’d Prefer The Robins

April 8th, 2009 by Kevin

Well Spring is coming and you know what that means.  Warm weather, green leaves, singing birds and day workers standing outside the hardware store looking for work and demanding amnesty.  So while our Congress Critters are home for Spring Break, they need to hear from you on the immigration issues.

Word is that La Raza and other open-borders groups are planning to send groups to gatherings and town halls.  Which should tell you quite a bit about how afraid illegal aliens are about being discovered.  However, they\’ve also been energized by the introduction of the DREAM Act on March 26th (S. 729 and H.R. 1751), and as promised it\’s just as bad, if not worse, than the past dozen of so versions which have been repeatedly voted down.

Basically it guarantees amnesty to every illegal alien under the age of 35.   Really all the alien has to do is submit a claim that they entered the United States before the age of 16, has been in the country for at least the last five years, and has earned a high school diploma or GED in the United States.  They don\’t actually have to prove it by ANY means.  In fact, DHS can\’t deny them amnesty unless they can prove the claim is NOT true.

And don\’t worry about getting your application in right away, there is no time limit, so if you haven\’t crossed the border yet, you got time!  Oh and the bill specifically puts those submitting a claim for amnesty at the head of the line.  Ahead of millions of people who followed the rules and have been waiting years for their application to be processed.

And once we\’ve amnestied every under 35, those over 35 aren\’t being left out of the act.  Because anyone related to those amnestied above, can get amnestied via chain migration.  And what do you have to do to prove you\’re related?? Well your word is good enough apparently.  So literally any illegal alien in the United States has an almost certain chance of amnesty.

So contact your Congress Critter and let them know this is not the Change© you were Hoping© for.

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One Response

  1. TeamRedTilEyeAmDead Says:

    puking in my mouth